Rigoletto…so much known so long ago…
Posted by ludw1086 on Sep 11, 2012 in Blog | Comments Off on Rigoletto…so much known so long ago…I went to the beautiful San Francisco Opera house this weekend to see the amazing performance of Rigoletto. For those who live in SF, I strongly recommend you go enjoy a story of revenge, of love, and of the nature of men and women. For those wish to see it for free, it will be shown at Giants stadium on September 15, 2012 via simulcast (www.sfopera.com/simulcast).
La donna è mobile Qual piuma al vento, Muta d’accento — e di pensiero. Sempre un amabile, Leggiadro viso, In pianto o in riso, — è menzognero. È sempre misero Chi a lei s’affida, Chi le confida — mal cauto il cuore! Pur mai non sentesi Felice appieno Chi su quel seno — non liba amore!
English Translation: Woman is flighty Like a feather in the wind, She changes her voice — and her mind. Always sweet, Pretty face, In tears or in laughter, — she is always lying. Always miserable Is he who trusts her, He who confides in her — his unwary heart! Yet one never feels Fully happy Who on that bosom — does not drink love!